8-Minute Embroidered Amulet Ritual with Juliana Naufel
Embark on a soul-nurturing journey with Juliana Naufel in São Paulo, Brazil, an award-winning mixed media artist and Art Therapist. In this immersive ritual, you'll learn to craft your own Embroidered Amulet—a powerful daily reminder of your unique journey. Juliana seamlessly combines creativity, mindfulness, and intention to guide you in reprogramming your subconscious mind through the art of embroidery.
Items you will need:
Photographs that inspire you. You can copy or scan and reprint a copy if you are using an important photograph (preferably using a sturdy paper).
Scissors and/or snips
Sharp hand sewing needle or tapestry needle (preferable sizes: 7, 8 or 9)
Sewing Pin OR board pin OR Excel Blades .030" Retractable Awl, (it's ok if you don't have it)
Embroidery thread OR perle cotton OR sewing thread also works, but it's not the best one to use.
A piece of styrofoam or a clean sponge or a thick piece of cardboard
Pencil or pen
Tape (optional)
Journal or computer for research
Affirmations for Inspiration:
Everyday I am getting healthier and stronger.
My body works perfectly.
I radiate good health.
I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing.
Being a successful [Your Profession] is my birthright.
I boldly conquer my money goals.
I am energy; money is energy—we’re kindred spirits.
My bank account is wide open and ready to receive.
Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.
I am grounded.
I love and respect my body.
I trust my inner voice.
I experience love wherever I go.
I am proud of myself.
I live in the present moment.
I am worthy of love.
I am a fierce and badass woman.
My past is forgiven.
I choose to be kind to myself.
I am overflowing with joy.