
Breath Watching - What is Breathwork?

What is Breathwork? Breathwork is the use of breath awareness and conscious breathing for spiritual awakening, growth, and transformation. It aids you in connecting to your mind, body, and spirit.

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed and need to quiet your mind, try this breath watching breathwork routine. By focusing on your breath and observing it without judgment, you can cultivate mindfulness and reduce anxiety.

So where do we begin with Breathwork to master breathing, to be more connected with ourselves? We begin with breath Watching!

This practice is simply that, Breath Watching. To watch the breath, we just want to become aware of the breath. Sit down wherever you are, grab a comfortable seat, sit up straight, and start to become aware of your breath. Maybe put your hand on your chest, put your hand on your stomach, and ask yourself, Where am I breathing into?


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